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03 Spring Boot

The post talk how to set configuration file using yaml syntax, and how to build binding between configuration file and class (component).

Configuration File

  • There are two kind of file format can be used in Spring Boot
    2. application.yml (recommended)

Why Need Config File

  • To modify defaule value which be initialized by Spring Boot.

YAML vs. XML vs. properties

  • There are three kind of configuration file type we usually.

  • YAML

    • server:
              prot: 8081
  • XML

    • <server>
  • properties

    • server.prot: 8081

YAML Expression Syntax

  • Presents Number, String, Boolean value

    • double quotes " "

      input: name: "daniel \n cool"     \n 捒葌
    • output: daniel 捒葌 cool

    • single quotes ' '

      input: name: "daniel \n cool"
      • output: daniel \n cool
  • Presents Objece, Map

    • friends:
              lastName: daniel
              age: 21
    • friends: {lastName: daniel,age: 21}
  • Presents List, Set

    • pets:
          - cat
          - dog
          - pig
    • pets: [cat,dog,pig]
  • Sample

    • person:
          lastName: hello
          age: 18
          boss: false
          birth: 2017/12/12
          maps: {k1: v1,k2: 12}
                  ‐ lisi
                  ‐ zhaoliu
                  name: 小狗
                  age: 12

Build Relationship Between YAML and Class

  • Sample

    • @Component  
      // make this to container component, so that to use @ConfigurationProperties
      //make binding between YAML and this class, prefix is used to specify a target attribute 
      public class Person {
        private String lastName;
        private Integer age;
        private Boolean boss;
        private Date birth;
        private Map<String, Object> maps;
        private List<Object> lists;
        private Dog dog; // this is a object
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